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Tapping For Truth

EFT Tapping For Procrastination

When we're procrastinating something, we want to ask ourselves: Am I afraid I'll fail? Am I afraid of exposure ?(Fear of being seen) Is there a fear of deep inadequacy? Another side of procrastination may be more of an act of defiance. Ask yourself, did I have an overbearing parent or overbearing authority figure in my childhood?

Procrastination may be showing up as an act of defiance, but really we are only working against ourselves. Try this tap to clear any fear or resistance and get started!



Tapping For Truth

EFT & Perfectionism: Releasing Fear of Failure

Both fear of failure and perfectionism often prevent us from trying something new. Taking risks involves releasing our fear of making mistakes or even more, facing our deepest fears of failure. EFT Tapping can help reveal and eliminate the blocks. As we tap, memories often surface of where this fear of failure was learned. We tap to release the intensity, so we can move forward with confidence and clarity.


Tapping For Truth

What Is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) And How Does It Work?

We are tapping on a series of acupressure points while verbalizing a concern (physical pain, difficulty memory, uncomfortable emotion, traumatic experience, fear/phobia…really any problem)! Tapping on these acupressure points sends a calming signal to the brain; letting the body/brain know that we are safe. We are breaking the loop between a memory / situation and the stress response.


@Wellness + Wisdom Podcast

Tapping For TRUTH: Become Your Own Healer

Listen To Episode 448 As Amy Piper Uncovers: Emotional Acupuncture: A How-To Guide to EFT Tapping, Differences between EFT Tapping, EMDR, and Talk Therapy, The Science Behind EFT Tapping, Healing Emotional Weight & Trapped Emotions, and The Safe Process of EFT Tapping.